Monday, November 21, 2005

Exams........ where do i begin......

Right - I guess this Blogger thing is about getting things off your chest - so with my exam tomorrow this would seem the perfect opportunity to question my existance in accountanting and wander what's the point of it all.........

Hours and hours of work for a 3 hour exam on something some geek has thought up in his / her head to cause as much pain and suffering as possible to all the students, and prove to him / herself that they are smarter than we are. Well your not, and were all smarter than you and have a life that's not just writing exams every 6 months.

Roll on beery Thurday, beery Friday, golfy, knicker shopping, beery Saturday...

1 comment:

Ross McDonald said...

Uh Oh, Rosspo begins the long road of procrastination, I agree with the beers, not so sure about the knicker shopping though really... hope the exams went well!